Show Calendar

Wednesday May 29th, 2019

Today's cycle is

Student Activities (Juniors)

Hey Juniors, You have 2 days to apply for open campus. Do not miss the deadline. The application is in the student power school portal.

PULSE (All Students)

PULSE will hold it's LAST meeting of the year on Thursday, May 30th after school in room 313. We will be planning our book launch party and discussing next year's plans. All members should attend or check in with Ms. Perillo in 313.

Outreach (All Students)

Attention all OP Outreach members. You're invited to our END OF YEAR PIZZA PARTY - After school on Thursday June 6 in Room 160. PLEASE RSVP online on google classroom so we know how much pizza to order. We will celebrate our work this year and will discuss how to apply for an officer position for next year. We'll also discuss what you'd like to do next year. We hope you can come. See Mrs. Collins (rm 160) or Mrs. Holtermann (Rm 328) with questions.

Freshman Class (Freshmen)

Attention all Freshman! Stop by the cafeteria on Wednesday, June 5th to recieve a FREE Freezie-Pop, compliments of the Freshman Class! You will get a ticket in homeroom so please be sure to bring it with you in order to get your FREE freezie-pop! See you then!

Varsity Golf Team (All Students)

Congratulations to Sophomore Kristina Visniesky who qualified for States in Girl's Golf. Kristina will be heading to Rochester to play at Deerfield Country Club beginning this Friday, May 31st. Good luck Kristina!

Yearbook (Co-Curricular)

Attention Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors who purchased a yearbook - you will be picking up your yearbooks during your scheduled lunch period on Friday, May 31st. You MUST bring your ID with you to scan out your book. You will not be allowed to receive a book if it is not during your lunch period. Any questions, please see Mrs Stady in room 162 or Mrs Sall in room 363. Not sure if you purchased a book? Check the list outside room 162 before Friday!

Library (All Students)

Come to the library to sign up for Library Yoga after school Wednesday, June 5th starting at 2pm. Mrs. Dentinger will offer a yoga session to help you relax in preparation for final exams. Please sign up in the library before that Wednesday; we need to make sure we have enough students for the class to run.

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are YOU interested in being NEXT Year’s Sophomore Class Treasurer or Senior Class Secretary? If so, fill out an Extension Officer application! Pick up an Application Outside of room 163 All applications are due Friday, May 31 Questions? See Mrs. Rominger (163) or Mr. Hafner (362)

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are YOU interested in getting involved in Student Government? If so, consider applying for an Extension Office! Pick up an Application Outside of room 163 All applications are due Friday, May 31 Questions? See Mrs. Rominger (163) or Mr. Hafner (362)

The Voice (Co-Curricular)

Attention all editors for the Voice for the 2019-2020 school year! There will be a brief mandatory meeting on Wednesday, June 5, at 2pm in room 316 to discuss the upcoming school year. See you then! Any questions, please see Abbey Black or Mrs. Williams in room 316. We look forward to seeing you there!