Show Calendar

Monday June 3rd, 2019

Today's cycle is

Library (All Students)

Come to the library to sign up for Library Yoga after school Wednesday, June 5th starting at 2pm. Mrs. Dentinger will offer a yoga session to help you relax in preparation for final exams. Please sign up in the library before that Wednesday; we need to make sure we have enough students for the class to run.

Volleyball (Sports)

Any girls interested in playing JV or Varsity Volleyball next year, there will be an informational meeting on Wednesday June 5th at 2:00 in the gym. Any questions see Mr Lardo.

ACT Exam (All Students)

Attention all students registered to take the ACT exam Saturday June 8th. You must arrive at 7:30am in the Baker Foyer to check in. Bring a copy of your ticket, photo ID, sharpened no.2 pencils and an ACT approved calculator. See Mrs. Goff in room 164 with any questions.

VFH (Sports)

JV and varsity field hockey meeting , wed. June 5th at 2 in the pool bleachers! See Coach cal if you have any questions.

English Department (Seniors)

ATTENTION SENIORS! If you had Mrs. Bastedo or Mrs. Farrell for English 9, please visit them in rooms 351 or 353 respectively to pick up your Freshman letters!

girls varsity swim (All Students)

Attention all girls interested in Varsity swimming and diving next year. There will be an informational meeting on Thursday, June 6 in room 227. Come get the timeline and next year's schedule.

AP US History (All Students)

Attention all 10th grade students taking AP US History next year. You need to pick up a summer assignment and summer reading book from Mr. Janas is room #127 from 2pm-3pm on Tuesday June 4th or Wednesday June 5th.

The Voice (Co-Curricular)

Attention all editors for the Voice for the 2019-2020 school year! There will be a brief mandatory meeting on Wednesday, June 5, at 2pm in room 316 to discuss the upcoming school year. See you then! Any questions, please see Abbey Black or Mrs. Williams in room 316. We look forward to seeing you there!

PULSE (All Students)

PULSE is here! Join us for our book launch party on Thursday, June 6, after school in the LMC Classroom. We will be selling books, eating snacks, and listening to talented OPHS writers and artists talk about their work. Help us celebrate this year's publication! See Ms. Perillo in 313 with questions.

Outreach (All Students)

Attention all OP Outreach members. You're invited to our END OF YEAR PIZZA PARTY - After school on Thursday June 6 in Room 160. PLEASE RSVP online on google classroom so we know how much pizza to order. We will celebrate our work this year and will discuss how to apply for an officer position for next year. We'll also discuss what you'd like to do next year. We hope you can come. See Mrs. Collins (rm 160) or Mrs. Holtermann (Rm 328) with questions.

Freshman Class (Freshmen)

Attention all Freshman! Stop by the cafeteria on Wednesday, June 5th to recieve a FREE Freezie-Pop, compliments of the Freshman Class! You will get a ticket in homeroom so please be sure to bring it with you in order to get your FREE freezie-pop! See you then!

math club (All Students)

There will be a final Math Club meeting this Wednesday at 2 in room 227. This will be the meeting where we choose officers for next year. Be there!