Show Calendar

Sunday June 9th, 2019

Today's cycle is

English Department (Seniors)

ATTENTION SENIORS! If you had Mrs. Bastedo or Mrs. Farrell for English 9, please visit them in rooms 351 or 353 respectively to pick up your Freshman letters!

Football (All Students)

Attention anyone interested in trying out for Varsity, JV, or Freshmen Football for the 2019-2020 school year, there will be a MANDATORY meeting in the gym after school Monday June 10th. Spread the word!!

AP US Government (Juniors)

Students taking AP US Government next year: Please check your school email for your summer assignment and see Mrs.Feeley in room 252 with any questions.

PULSE (All Students)

PULSE is here! The OPHS Literary Magazine is on sale NOW for $6. PULSE staff will come to your homeroom, or you can come to 313 before or after school to get your copy. See Ms. Perillo in 313 if you have questions.