Show Calendar

Saturday October 9th, 2021

Today's cycle is either a holiday, weekend or Vacation day

Educational Outreach (All Students)

Attention all students in Educational Outreach. Our next meeting is on Wednesday October 13 after school in Room 160. We’ll make ghost crafts for nursing homes & soup kitchens. ALL students are welcome! Students may join Outreach at any time. See Mrs. Collins (Rm 160) or Mrs. Holtermann (Rm 328) with questions.

Math-Physics Society (All Students)

The next Math/Physics Society meeting will be on Thursday October 14th. We will meet in Room 230. We will be measuring the speed of sound!!!! What??? No way!!!! Yes way!!!!!

Varsity Club (All Students)

Attention Students: The Varsity Jacket Sale is Back! Anyone interested in purchasing a Varsity Jacket should pick up an order form. The forms will be available daily on the table in the Phys. Ed. foyer. Since there is a deadline for your order, you need to pick the form up as soon as possible. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Gibson.

Grammar Club (All Students)

Grammar Club is re-organizing! We will meet Wednesday, October 27 after school in room 319. Email Ms. Rodemeyer for the Google Classroom join code OR look for the codes posted around the building. We'll see you there!

The Voice (All Students)

The school newspaper is back! If you’re interested in writing for The Voice, meetings take place every Thursday in room 319. Please email Ms. Rodemeyer for the Google Classroom join code. Also, if you have any questions, please see Ms. Rodemeyer, as well. Everyone is welcome!

Winter Guard (All Students)

Attention all orchard park students, the orchard park winter guards will be holding auditions for the jv and varsity teams on Thursday, November 4th, at 5:30 pm in the Windom Elementary Gymnasium. If you are interested in auditioning, there will be an informational meeting about winter guard on Wednesday, October 13th, after school in the auditorium. Everyone is welcome to audition, and no previous experience is required. Anyone who wishes to audition is encouraged to attend,