Show Calendar

Wednesday October 27th, 2021

Today's cycle is 5

Varsity Club (All Students)

Attention Students: The Varsity Jacket Sale is Back! Anyone interested in purchasing a Varsity Jacket should pick up an order form. The forms will be available daily on the table in the Phys. Ed. foyer. Since there is a deadline for your order, you need to pick the form up as soon as possible. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Gibson.

Art Club (All Students)

At Club will meet Thursday at 2:00, in room 152. See you there!

The Voice (All Students)

The OPHS student newspaper, THE VOICE, is looking for sports reporters. If you regularly attend games or would like to follow a team, please join the Google classroom for The Voice. There are flyers with tear-off Classroom codes around the building. You may also send an email to Ms. Rodemeyer to request the code or to get more information. The Voice meets Thursdays, after school in room 319. All are welcome!

Grammar Club (All Students)

Don't forget! Grammar Club meets today in room 319 at 2:00! All are invited. Bring a friend. We have a few organizational items to accomplish AND we'll have some fun with grammar!

VFH (Sports)

Congratulations to the Varsity Field Hockey team for defeating West Seneca in the quarter finals by a score of 4-0. They meet Will North in the semifinals this Thursday at 8pm. Good Luck varsity Field Hockey. ROCK SOLID!

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all Mock Trial Team Members. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 10/28 from 2pm-3pm in room #127. See you there!

international club (All Students)

International CLub is sponsoring a Dao picnic in the Commons on Wednesday, November 3rd from 2 until 3. All are welcome, invite a friend! Please see Mrs. Montesano in room 329 for a menu and a permission slip. Hope to see you there!

Windom Buddy Club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club members: We will have our first session of the year, this Thursday, October 28th. The bus will leave from the Gym doors promptly at 3:00. If you are driving, be sure to be at Windom by 3:15. Please see Mr. Behm if you have questions or can not attend.

MasterMinds (All Students)

Your OP MasterMinds will be practicing Thursday, 10/28 in room 360 afterschool. New members are welcome.

Jazz Band (All Students)

Do you play electric guitar or piano or any other classic jazz band instrument? If so, Consider trying out for the OP Checkmates Jazz Band Class - please stop by the Band Room to get an audition packet and to sign up for an audition slot. Please see Mr. Bean with any questions.

Ski & Board (All Students)

Its still not too late to join the Ski & Board Program on Tuesday Nights in the Winter. Please stop by room 141 and see Mr. Bean for more details.

School Counselors (Seniors)

Applications for OP Pride are due by November 1st at 3 PM. The application is available on the school counseling section of the high school website. Please contact Mrs. See in the House 3 office if you have any questions.