Show Calendar

Wednesday December 22nd, 2021

Today's cycle is 5

Wellness Club (All Students)

Attention all students! The Wellness Club will meet as a group on Thursday January 6th at 2:00pm in the library. Please plan on attending and bring some friends. We are going to be discussing upcoming events. Any questions, see Ms. Mohler in House 2.

Spanish Culture Club (All Students)

Attention students interested in Spanish Culture CLub, we will be meeting today in room 324 at 2 p.m. We will be celebrating the holidays with "churros y chocolate." Please see Mrs. Connors with any questions.

STEM Club (All Students)

STEM Club will be meeting today, Wednesday, December 22nd at 2 PM in the front classroom of the library. Come join us to learn how to use the Open Rocket Software.