Show Calendar

Sunday March 20th, 2022

Today's cycle is either a holiday, weekend or Vacation day

Freshman Class (All Students)

Attention all faculty, staff, and students! Doughnuts are back baby! The Freshman class is currently holding its doughnut fundraiser! Doughnuts will be distributed on Wednesday, March 23rd during Olweus homeroom. Doughnuts are $12 a dozen and order forms can be found in all house offices. All order forms and money are due by Friday, March 18th. Please help support the freshman class and order your doughnuts today! Thanks!

International club (All Students)

Join international club for some authentic Mexican cuisine at el Canelo on Wednesday, March 23rd. Menus and permission slips are available in the International Club google classroom. You can print them out or stop by room 329 to get a copy. Hope to see you there! Invite a friend!