Show Calendar

Monday April 18th, 2022

Today's cycle is 4

GSA (All Students)

Attention all students - the Day of Silence is on Friday April 22nd. If you'd like to participate see Ms. DiLucente in the library by Wednesday April 20th.

Grammar Club (All Students)

Reminder! Grammar Club meets THIS Wednesday, after school in room 319. All are welcome. Bring friends, snacks, and your deeply held grammar concerns--or ask your last minute SAT questions. See you soon!

Tech Club (All Students)

Attention Tech Club Members, todays meeting will be postponed until next week, April 25th. See you then!

Windom Buddy Club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club members: Our next session is this Thursday, the 21st at Windom. We have been short on high school buddies lately, so please make every effort to attend. If you can not attend, please see Mr. Behm. The bus will leave from the Baker doors at 3:00 pm.

Baccalaureate (Seniors)

Seniors. Are you interested in participating in a church service with your fellow seniors at the end of the year? Are you interested in expressing your faith to your classmates? If so, come to the Baccalaureate (back-a-loor-e-ate) meeting in Mr Norv's room (227) this Friday at 2.