Show Calendar

Tuesday February 7th, 2023

Today's cycle is

School Counseling (All Students)

There will be a recruiter from the Marines in the commons during all lunch periods on Tuesday, February 7th. You can talk to him during your lunch period if you are interested and you can see your counselor if you have any questions.

Cancer Awareness Club (All Students)

The next Cancer Awareness Club meeting will be Tuesday, February 7th, at 2:00 in room 214!

Educational Outreach Club (All Students)

Educational Outreach Club will be having our next meeting on Wednesday, February 8th in room 328. We will be taking our yearbook photo so please make sure to attend. We'll also discuss our fundraising dinner. Please see Mrs. Holtermann or Miss Adel with any questions.

Gender Equality Club (All Students)

Gender Equality Club will meet on Thursday, February 9th at 2pm in room 153. Everyone is welcome!

Freshman Class (Freshmen)

Attention all Freshman Homeroom Reps- there will be a mandatory meeting on Wednesday, February 15th at 2 pm in Room 356. Be there or be square.

Windom Buddy Club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club members, we will be meeting this Wednesday, February 8th at Windom. We will be doing a Valentine's Day gingerbread house activity. Feel free to bring in graham crackers, any valentine themed candy, or vanilla frosting (not whipped). The bus will be available on the Freeman side at 3:00. Please see Mr. Behm if you can not attend.

Varsity Softball (All Students)

Attention any student-athlete interested in trying out for Varsity Softball. There will be a informational pre-season meeting Monday, February 13th at Windom Elementary at 3:30pm in Coach Schermerhorn's room. Thank you!

STAP-Comm (All Students)

The Winter Homecoming Dance is coming up on Sat, Feb 11th. Buy your tickets ahead of time online, sales end Wed. Feb 8th, check out the posters for more information! Be sure to show your spirit during the homecoming spirit week Feb 8-10th! Come to HR163 with any questions.

Art Club (All Students)

Please make sure to stop by the Media Center for the Mid-Winter Art Show on Wednesday, after school. There will be a variety of great artwork to see and lots of treats to eat! See you there!

Art Club (All Students)

Art Club will meet today at 2:00 in room 152. See you there!

Book Club (All Students)

The annual Harry Potter Trivia event will take place on Thursday February 16th after school in the library. To register your team of four or less, stop into the library. We look forward to seeing who wins this year!

Art Dept (All Students)

Please join us for the Mid Winter Art Show opening on Wednesday the 8th in the library. Refreshments will be served.