Show Calendar

Thursday March 23rd, 2023

Today's cycle is

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are YOU doing something AWESOME this summer? Let STAP Comm help you pay for it! Apply for the $250 Student Enrichment Scholarship Pick up an application in House 2 or outside of room 163. See Mrs. Rominger (163) or Mr. Bove (House 2) with questions.

OP Enterprises (All Students)

OP Enterprises is selling phone wallets for $5 during lunches today through Friday March 31st. See Mrs. Hofschneider in room 213 with any questions.

Freshman Class (All Students)

Attention all! The Freshman officers and Reps have placed Donut forms in all teacher mailboxes. You can also find individual forms in each House Office. All orders must be pre-paid and are due Friday, March 31st. Order forms with money may be returned to Mrs. Gruin's mailbox in House 1 or Mr. Brach in House 3. Any questions- please see Mr. Brach or Mrs. Gruin. Thank you

Destination Imagination (Co-Curricular)

This past weekend, the high school's Destination Imagination team competed at the New York State regional tournament in Binghamton. Their 2nd place win at the tournament resulted in an invitation to represent New York State at the DI Global tournament in May. Congratulations to the "Furious Five"!