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Thursday September 19th, 2024

Today's cycle is

Destination Imagination (Co-Curricular)

Don't forget that the organizational meeting for Destination Imagination is in Room 261 after school today. Existing teams, or students interested in finding out more about DI, should plan to attend. See Mrs. Baker with questions.

Wellness Club (All Students)

Attention ALL students! Are you interested in visiting our elementary schools to talk with our 5th graders with our DARE Role Model Program? Are you interested in building mental health awareness and safety within our building? If so, you are invited to attend Wellness Club! We will meet on Tuesday October 1st at 2:00pm in the Library. Any questions, please see Miss Mohler in House 2.

GSA (All Students)

The first GSA meeting of the year will take place this Thursday, September 19th after school in the library. See Ms. DiLucente for more info.

Tech Club (All Students)


History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club members and any student who is interested in History and debate. Our next meeting will be on Monday September 30th at 2pm in room #127. We will be electing our officers and discussing the Presidential Election. Hope to see you there!

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all Mock Trial members and any students interested in joining the Mock Trial Team, our next meeting will be Wednesday October 2nd at 2pm in room #127. Hope to see you there!

September - 2024

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