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Saturday October 20th, 2012

Today's cycle is

SADD (All Students)

Did you know that Ocotber is Domestic Violence Awarenss month? And did you know that almost 50 percent of all teenage girls have either been in a troubled relationship or know someone who has? Education about this issue is an important first step toward knowing what to do to help yourself or someone else. If you are interested in learning more about how to avoid unhealthy relationships or support a friend, please attend a special presentation this Saturday, October 20th at 11:00 a.m. sponsore

h1 (All Students)

All supporters and interested members of the Gay Straight Pride community are invited to meet in room 120 for a support group on Wednesday October 24 at 2:00. Snacks will be served. See Mrs. Klube in House 1 with questions.

hs (All Students)

Any athlete interested in trying out for a winter sport can pick-up packets of information in the nurses office, the main office, the athletic office or on the athletic website. Sports physicals will be Tuesday, October 23 from 1:50 to 2:30 in the high school nurses office. All information is to be returned to the nurses office by Friday, October 26. Please check the Athletic Website for all other information.

h2 (All Students)

Attention National Honor Society Members The National Honor Society sponsors a scholarship program with awards ranging from $1000-$13,000. Selection is based on outstanding performance in the four criteria for NHS membership: scholarship, leadership, service and character. If you believe that you possess the outstanding characteristics listed, please indicate your interest in being nominated on the sign up form outside Mrs Sullivan\'s office by October 24.

Junior Class (Juniors)

Attention all Juniors there will be a Homeroom Rep meeting in room 223 on Wednesday October 24th at 2pm we will discuss the Chicken BBQ.

Bowlers (Sports)

Attention anyone interested in trying out for the OPHS Boys or Girls Varsity Bowling Teams. There will be an organizational and informational meeting after school this coming Wednesday, October 24th at 2 pm in room 154. If you cannot attend see Mr. Biondo. We especially need girls to try out for the team. No experience necessary.

October - 2012

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