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Friday November 16th, 2012

Today's cycle is

guidance (All Students)

Attention students interested in environmental summer camps. The Orchard Park Garden Club will sponsor scholarships for students to attend. See either Mrs. Linder in House 3 or Mr. Vanderwater for additional information and application. Deadline is December 7, 2012.

administration (All Students)

Reminder to all students that a green bus pass is required to utilize the late busses. The Transportation depatrtment will begin strict enforcement of this policy beginning on Tuesday November 13th. Green late bus passes should be obtained from the teacher or advisor the student stay after school with.

NHS (Seniors)

Attention current NHS members. There will be a meeting at 2:00 on November 19 in the classroom area of media 2.

Guidance (Juniors)

There is a new one year program for Emergency Medical Services offered at Ormsby Educational Center. Any Juniors interested in taking this during Senior Year should see their Counselor by Wednesday, November 21st.

Winter Guard Team (All Students)

As a fundraiser for the OP Winterguard, there will be an OP Talent Show after school at 2pm in the Aud on Wednesday November 28th. Tickets are $5. Presale tickets will be on sale afterschool in front of the Aud on Tuesday November 27th. Auditions for the Talent Show will be Wednesday November 21st afterschool in the Aud. For auditions, please be prepared with any music on a CD and any props or equipment needed for the act.

Drama Club (All Students)

The informational meeting for this year\'s musical ONCE ON THIS ISLAND will be held Monday, Nov. 19 in Room 143 at 2:OO . Audition packets and all in formation regarding audition sign ups will be given at this meeting. I f you are planning on auditioning, you must attend this meeting. Any questions, see Mrs. Szczepanik in Room 143.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all Mock trial Team members and anyone interested in the Mock Trial Team. Our next meeting will be Wednesday November 28th at 2pm in room #127. See you there!

November - 2012

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