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Friday February 8th, 2013

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

There will be a representative from the Navy in the commons during all lunch periods on Friday, February 8th. You can talk to them during your lunch period if you are interested and you can see your counselor if you have any questions.

OP Athletics (All Students)

Sports physicals are today Tuesday, February 12 from 1:50 to 2:30 and Friday, February 15 from 12:45 to 1:30 in the high school nurses office. All athletic information is to be returned to the nurses office by Monday, February 25. Please check the Athletic Website for all other information.

intramrurals (All Students)

There will be Two badminton tournaments next week. Tuesdays tournament(FEB. 12th) will be a one-day, all-girls tourney. On thurs (Feb. 14th), we will have a one day Valentine\'s Day co-ed tourney.Grab a partner and sign-up. Sign-ups will start Feb. 11th.

Varsity and J.V. Baseball (Sports)

There will be an informational meeting for anyone interested in trying out for Varsity or J.V. Baseball on Wednesday, February 13. The meeting will start at 1:55 in room 224, Mr. Senn\'s room.

Guidance (Freshmen)

An important annoucement for Freshmen... remember to bring your yellow scheduling sheets to boost. The forms should be totally complete with teacher and parent signatures as well as alternate courses for electives. If you do not have your sheet, please see your counselor during homeroom for a replacement form. If you do not have it for boost class, you will not be scheduled until after the current 8th graders.

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! Voting for Senior Mosts for the yearbook is happening this week. If you need a direction sheet for how to vote online, please pick one up outside Room 363. The deadline for all voting is this Friday at 3pm. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sall in Room 363 after school.

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention NHS members: The NHS photo for the yearbook will be taken on Wednesday, February 13th at 2:10 in the aud. Please be on time. Any quetions, see Mrs. Sall in Room 363 after school.

Outdoor Track (Sports)

Any boys interested in participating in Outdoor Track: There will be an informational meeting Tuesday February 12th at 2:00. Meet in the PE foyer. If you cant make it see Mr Lardo.

Art Department (All Students)

Attention all Ms. Evedon\'s 1st Semester Ceramics and Sculpture Students: Pick up your work by 2:45, Friday, February 8th or it may be discarded.

February - 2013

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