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Thursday May 16th, 2013

Today's cycle is

class of 2015 (Sophomores)

Attention sophomores! If you purchased a class tee-shirt please wear it on Thursday. A class picture will be taken at 2 pm in room 263

Open Campus (Juniors)

Attention all Juniors: May 31st is the deadline for turning in your open campus forms for your senior year. You may pick up and turn in the applications in your house offices. Late applications will not be accepted under no circumstances. See Mr. Biondo if you have questions.

Student Activities (All Students)

Attention Juniors and Seniors who Drive: Next Tuesday, May 21st, no student may park on the OPHS campus for any reason. This is due to the budget vote. Any student caught parking on campus on Tuesday will lose their parking privileges and receive a disciplinary referral.

Orchard Park educational outreach (All Students)

Attention all Educational Outreach members who are participating in the Climb For a Cause fundraiser for the Brian Moorman PUNT Foundation, we are having a Mandatory meeting this Thursday, May 16 at 2 o\'clock in room 362. You must attend this meeting. If you have a conflict, please see Mr Hafner in room 362 to make alternate arrangements.

stap comm (All Students)

Attention Students that attended Eggert Road Elementary... If you had Mrs. Pelgrin as a teacher and would like to write her a retirement card, please bring it to room 163 by Friday, May 24.

May - 2013

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