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Tuesday September 10th, 2013

Today's cycle is

Guidance (Seniors)

Visits from college representatives will begin next week. Are you a senior getting ready to apply? Are you a junior just starting the college process? Meet with these admissions counselors and get your questions answered. A list of colleges visiting OPHS will be posted in your homeroom, on the guidance page of the school website, and on the wall in the cafeteria. Please note, in order to meet with college representatives, students must get a pass from the teacher of the class they will miss.

Masterminds (All Students)

Attention ALL Students: If you have a love of game shows like Jeopardy or Millionaire or love trivia and would like to compete on an academic team as a Quaker, then OP Masterminds might be for you. Varsity and JV spots are open to all grades. Our first meeting is Wednesday, September 18 at 2:00 in room 360. Any questions? See Dr. Rominger in room 360.

intramurals (All Students)

Here is the announcement that you have all been waiting for: The weight room is now open every day after school starting today! Also intramural football will start next week on tues. and Thurs. Walking will be on Wed. See Mrs. Callahan for info or check out the schedule on the Phys. Ed bullitian board.

Cancer Awareness Club (All Students)

Are you interested in joining the fight against cancer? Do you want to do something that makes a difference? Then Cancer Awareness Club is the place for you! Come to our first meeting on Thursday, September 12th at 2:00 in the auditorium. If you want to become an officer this year, be sure to attend! Wear your CAC shirts on the day of the meeting. New members are always welcome. See Mrs. Quinn in Room 216 or Miss Cornwall in Room 215 with any questions.

Guidance (All Students)

Are you thinking of applying to Yale University? There will be an information session tonight at Nichols High School at 7:00pm. The associate director of admissions will be presenting on academic programs, college life, admissions, and financial aid. Attendess are encouraged to register on the events section of the Yale Admissions webpage.

NHS (Seniors)

National Honor society members need to do volunteer work and the next opportunity is the OPen House evenings. Please sign up for either Septemner 11 and or September 19. The sign up sheet is outside Mrs Sullivan's office in House 2

pep club (Seniors)

Attention all powder puff girls. Practices start this Thursday at 2:15. Meet outside the Gym. Practices will be held on Sept 12, 17, 19 25, and 26.

NHS (Seniors)

Attention Seniors... if you helped at the new student orientation in August AND you were there all day, please see Mrs Sullivan by September 18th to pick up your Open Campus School Service form. Forms will not be available after September 18 at 2:15

NHS (Seniors)

Attention current NHS members There is a National Honor Society Meeting on September 18 at 2:00 in the classroom area of Media 2. All need to attend.

Band (All Students)

Attention students who drove to school today: Cars must be out of the Baker lot by 4:00 today, except you may park in the first four rows closest to Baker Rd. Plan ahead and avoid a referral.

pep club (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: If you would like to be involved in the pep rally. Please see Mr. Botticelli ASAP!

pep club (Seniors)

Attention all Junior and Senior Gilrs. Powder Puff forms are in student activities and outside room 263. registration ends on Sept 10 at 3 pm. See Mr. Botticelli with questions.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention seniors - If the Academic Excellence Scholarship program is approved for the 2013-2014 school year Orchard Park will participate and use the Regents test score method as the criteria for winners. Please see Mrs. Linder in House 3 for further information or if you have questions.

Media Productions Club (All Students)

The Media Productions Club will hold it's first meeting today at 2:00pm in room 350. All students are welcome!

September - 2013

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