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Saturday April 25th, 2015

Today's cycle is

STAP Comm (All Students)

Attention all Homeroom Representatives: In order to receive a Certificate of Outstanding Participation You must submit a completed Homeroom Representative Participation Form to your CLASS ADVISOR by Friday, MAY 1 (no exceptions). Questions? See your Class Advisor, Mrs. Rominger or Mr. Hafner

PROM (Seniors)

Prom registration begins Monday April 20th. through Friday May 1st. Make sure you register on a school computer if you plan on attending the prom. If you do not register you will not be able to attend. If you are taking a non OPHS guest be sure to print out the guest form and fill in all your necessary information. You will turn in the guest form when you buy your tickets. If you have any questions see Mrs. Mapps in room 223 or Mrs. Duskiewicz in room 219.

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - The Orchard Park Rotary Foundation scholarship applications are available in the House 3 office. This is a $5,000 Scholarship. Deadline is May 1st. See Mrs. Linder with further questions.

buddy club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club Members: Please remember to stop down to Mr. Behm's office by Wednesday the 29th, to judge the Art Rocks the Park birthday cake designs. Also, we need a volunteer to sketch the winning design on the cake prior to our next meeting.

April - 2015

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