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Friday May 15th, 2015

Today's cycle is

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: The Orchard Park Rotary Scholarship has been extended until May 15th. Applications can be found in the House 3 office.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! Do not forget to bring in your award notices to the House 3 office to be included in the graduation program. See Mrs. Linder with any questions. Must be turned in by June 1st.

Student Activities (All Students)

Attention anyone who has a valid parking permit. Due to the Budget Vote next Tuesday, May 19th, students may not park on campus anywhere. This includes the Junior lot near the turf field. Students caught parking on campus during the school day will automatically lose their parking privileges and receive a disciplinary referral.

Volleyball (Sports)

Attention girls interested in trying out for the girls varsity or JV volleyball team: There will be an informational meeting after school on Friday May 15th at 12:45. Meet in the PE foyer.

GSA (All Students)

Attention all students. The Gay-Straight Alliance is holding its first ever panel discussion for anyone to ask questions about the LGBT community. This is an opportunity to ask our panel of members any respectful questions that you may have about gender identity, coming out, dating or anything else you might wonder about being gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender. All are welcome and we hope to see you there in room 317 after school on Wednesday May 20th. If you have any questions%

buddy club (All Students)

Buddy Club Members, please remember to do your best to attend the ice cream social at Windom on Monday evening at 6:00. Your participation is always very helpful. See Mr. Behm with questions.

Art Department (All Students)

Everyone is invited to attend ArtSplash, the district art show this evening. The opening reception takes place at Orchard Fresh from 7:30-9pm tonight. Come out to support the arts, have some refreshments and see fabulous artwork by students from all grade levels! ArtSplash will be on display at Orchard Fresh until May 30th.

May - 2015

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