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Sunday November 15th, 2015

Today's cycle is

guidance (Sophomores)

ATTENTION SOPHOMORES !!! Please remember that if you are interested in attending the Career and Technical Education trip to the Ormsby Center on Thursday December 3rd, all permission slips are due to Ms. Piscitelli in House 1 by November 18th. See Mr. Behm with questions.


Attention all Juniors and Seniors Interested in Being a DARE ROLE Model this semester. SAVE the DATE........There will be a meeting with the DARE Officer on Tuesday November 24th at 2PM in the LMC Classroom. Sign ups for the December visits to the elementary schools will take place at that time. Please see Mrs. Wolf in House 2 if you have any questions.

SADD (All Students)

Attention all Students Faculty and Staff. Please consider donating ANY Gently used COATS, SNOWPANTS, Gloves, Boots, Hats or scarves of any size to the Annual Coats for KIDS clothing Drive. Bins are located in the Baker Foyer. Or items can be brought to House 2. Please drop off your items by November 20th.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all Mock Trial Members. Our tryouts will be on Tuesday November 17th and Wednesday November 18th at 2pm in room #127. Please be prepared for with the case. See Mr. Janas with any questions.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club Members. Our next meeting will be Thursday November 19th at 2pm in room #127.Please bring your $3.00 for membership in the Orchard Park Historical Society. We will also be have a debate on the Immigrant Crisis iin Europe. Hope to see you there!

Athletics (All Students)

Winter Athletic Parent Meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, November 17th @ 6pm in the HS Cafe

sccence club (All Students)

Attention all students. The second science club speaker is a veterinarian. Dr. David Brummer, a vet and the medical director at Orchard Park Veterinary Medical Center, will speak after school on Wednesday, November 18th. All students and staff are invited. His talk will be in the Aud from 2 until approximately 2:45 pm. He will answer questions following his talk. All are welcome. Please see Mrs. Colllins in Room 160 if you have any questions.

November - 2015

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