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Thursday February 11th, 2016

Today's cycle is

Health Office (Sports)

For student athletes who need an updated physical, Dr. Lauria will be in the Health Office today from 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. If you are unsure if your physical is current, please stop by the Health Office.

Athletics (All Students)

Beginning February 7th, spring athletic registration for high school students may now be done online through PowerSchool. Please see the athletic page on the district website for details. If you have any questions, please contact the Athletic Office.

Pulse (All Students)

The next Pulse workshop will be after school in the library on Tuesday, February 23rd. Come and share your creativity and have snacks with us! All are welcome, see you there!

softball (All Students)

Attention all girls interested in playing softball this season. You must sign up for the google classroom page to receive information. Please see Mr Dannecker in room 214 to get the code.

Class of 2019 (Freshmen)

Attention all freshman homeroom representatives, there will be a meeting on Tuesday Feb 23rd at 2PM in room 356.

science club (All Students)

Attention all students. Eggert Road Elementary School is looking for high school student volunteers to help at their Math and Science Night. It will be on Friday February 26th from 5:30 until 8pm. To sign up, please see Mrs. Collins in Room 160 as soon as possible. Seniors can get senior hours for helping out. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 with any questions.

Bowling (Sports)

Congratulations to the boys varsity bowling team as they finished in 2nd place in class A and 2nd place overall in the 2016 Section 6 bowling tournament. Leading all bowlers was Tom Klenke who had a 1176 set for 6 games. With his high set, Tom qualified as a Section 6 all star and will participate in the state championships at Airport lanes on Sunday,March 6th.

Athletics (All Students)

Attention all boys interested in trying out for VARSITY LACROSSE. There will be a mandatory meeting with Coach Tundo and Coach Cat on WEDNESDAY February 24 at 3pm in the Cafe. Tryouts are just around the corner. See you there.

February - 2016

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