Attention Juniors: You may start applying for open campus during the month of May ONLY. The deadline is Tuesday, May 31st. Application forms are available on line in the Students & Parking Drop down menu. Please read the directions carefully. Again Turn your forms into your house office on or before May 31st. Any questions see Mr. Biondo
Mr. Bindig has published a novel and will be holding a book talk during which he will read from his book, discuss his writing process and publishing story, and answer questions. The book talk will be held in the commons on Thursday May 19th from 2:00-3:00pm. Copies of the book will be for sale for $15.00 after the talk. Cash only. If you love stories, write stories or have ever wondered what goes into getting a book published, this event is for you.
Any seniors interested in helping out with this year's baccalaureate service should see Mr Norv this Wednesday, May 18 in room 227 at 2. There will be a brief informational and organizational meeting. Don't miss out on this opportunity!
Attention all History Club members. Our meeting has changed. The new date is Wednesday May 18th at 2pm. Please report to room #127 so we can wrap up our research. see you on Wednesday May 18th at 2pm.
Attention all students: Do you still need to order a yearbook? Less than 50 books remain! Order now to guarantee that you receive a book. The cost is $52 and can be paid by check or money order made out to OPHS Yearbook and submitted to the Yearbook Mailbox in House 1. Not sure if you ordered? Check the list outside room 363. Any questions? See Mrs. Sall in room 363 or Mrs. Stady in Room 162 after school only.
Attention CAC members! Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 18th at 2:00 in Room 215. Please see Mrs. Quinn or Miss Cornwall with questions.
Attention all students interested in playing hockey next season. There will be a meeting for all current sophomore and juniors on Wednesday 18th in room 214 at 2pm. All current freshman will meet on Thursday the 19th in room 214 at 2pm.
Attention all mock trial members and anyone interested in mock trial next school year. Our last meeting is Thursday May 19th at 2pm in room #127. We need everyone to come so we can have a head count for our end of the year dinner. See you there!
There will be a cheerleader tryout meeting on Wednesday May 18th after school in the library. S-U-C-C-E-S-S thats the way we spell success.
The Varsity Golf Team sent 6 players to Sectionals yesterday. 5 made the first cut, 2 qualified for states and one of our OP 8th grade players is the alternate. Congratulations to Jack Devic, Mitchell Smith and 8th grader Aidan Shaw on making it to States.