Are You Doing Something Awesome This Summer? Let STAP Comm help you pay for it! Apply for the $250.00 Student Enrichment Scholarship. Applications are available outside of room 163. See Mrs. Rominger or Mr. Hafner with questions.
Attention Students - Please do not forget to turn in your signed scheduling sheets to your counselor as soon as possible.
University College Dublin invites you to the Buffalo Irish Center on March 14th at 6pm to learn about the many opportunities available for American students interested in studying in Ireland. Students of all ages and parents are encouraged to attend.
Attention Juniors. The deadline for registering for the SAT Prep course is approaching. Please sign up in the Community Education Office this week.
Attention all staff and students! Tickets will be on sale all this week and next from 10am -3pm in the Baker Rd foyer for this year's musical Into the Woods. All seats are reserved so pre-sale tickets are encouraged. Tickets are $12 orchestra and $10 balcony.See you at the show!
Juniors please return your National College Fair permission slips to House 2 by Thursday March 9th. Permission slips will not be accepted after this date.