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Thursday April 27th, 2017

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

There will be an information session on Johns Hopkins University on Sunday, April 30th, at 2pm at Allendale Columbia School in Rochester. Students interested in attending should go the the Dates to Remember page on the school counseling page of the high school website to register.

pep club (All Students)

Anyone interested in planning next years homecoming theme, spirit days, pep rally and carnival should come to a meeting in room 263 on Thursday April 27 at 2 pm

class of 2018 (Juniors)

Attention Juniors. Tickets for the Junior formal dance at OPHS will be sold from April 25-28. Bring your Id. They are sold before and after school in room 263. See Mr. Botticelli with questions

science club (All Students)

Attention all students. Are you interested in helping out with science night at Ellicott Elementary School? Volunteers are needed on Thursday, April. 27th from 5:45 to 8:00 PM. You will help elementary students with science activities. Please volunteer if you can. On Thursday, April 27th , get dropped off at 5:45 pm at Ellicott playground doors; get picked up at 8:00pm. You must sign up ahead of time outside of Room 160. See Mrs. Collins (Room 160) with questions.

Guidance (All Students)

Catholic Health is offering a unique summer volunteer program for teens ages 14-18. Students who are interested in giving back to the community in a hospital setting should consider participating. There are three summer sessions consisting of 40-60 total volunteer hours. Interested students can apply by visiting www.chsbuffalo.org/give/volunteer. The applications are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis, so apply early!

Guidance (All Students)

SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse will be hosting Summer Career Awareness days for students considering a career in health care. Nursing & Respiratory Therapy, Medicine & Physician Assistant, Biomedical Sciences, and Physical Therapy will all be featured. If you are interested, please visit www.upstate.edu/prospective/basics/specialevents.php. The application deadline for the program is May 1st.

SADD (Juniors)

Attention Student Wellness DARE Role Models. Juniors and Seniors are needed in Mid May to join the DARE Officer in the 5th grade classes and talk about life at the high school. There will be an informational meeting with the DARE Officer on TUESDAY May 2nd at 2 PM in the LMC. Please see Mrs. Wolf in House 2 if you have any questions or cannot attend the meeting. Sign up sheets will be available at the meeting and will then be posted in House 2.

OPEO (All Students)

Attention all OP Educational Outreach Members: We have an important meeting today after school in room 328 at 2. Please see Mrs. Holtermann in room 328 with any questions or concerns.

April - 2017

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