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Sunday September 10th, 2017

Today's cycle is

pep club (Seniors)

Attention Jr and Sr. girls. Powder puff registration is on parent portal. Follow the directions. All forms and money are due by 3 pm on 9/13. Any questions see Mr. Botticelli in room 263

pep club (Seniors)

attention seniors: If you are interested being an MC for the pep rally see Mr. Botticelli in room 263 as soon as possible.

OP Impact (All Students)

Do you want to Orchard Park a better Place? Come to the first OP Impact meeting of the year in room 116 at 2 on Tuesday, September 12th. We will be planning events like Kan Jam, random acts of kindness, and more. See Mrs. Grossman or Mrs. Stasio if you need more information. This is your chance to get involved. All are Welcome, see you there.

Art Club (All Students)

Attention to anyone who is interested in Art Club; the first meeting will be held in room 152 on September 19th at 2:00.

September - 2017

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