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Saturday January 6th, 2018

Today's cycle is

Sports (Sports)

ATTENTION SOFTBALL PLAYERS: Varsity Coach, Mrs. Schermerhorn, will be holding Open Gym every Thursday, starting January 11 at Windom Elementary from 3:30-5pm. Thank you!

Softball (All Students)

ATTENTION SOFTBALL PLAYERS: Varsity Coach, Mrs. Schermerhorn, will be holding Open Gym every Thursday, starting January 11 at Windom Elementary from 3:30-5pm. Thank you!

Guidance (All Students)

Attention 10th, 11th, and 12th grade girls who are interested in engineering, Math, or science: The Inamori School of Engineering at Alfred University is offering The Women in Engineering Discovery Day. This event encourages young women to pursue careers in engineering. Scheduled on Thursday, February 22, the day includes presentations by leaders in the field, hands-on laboratory activities, a design competition, all meals, and guided campus tours. Interested young wom

January - 2018

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