The library is sponsoring a Battle of the Books. Teams of can sign up to compete in the first round on April 12 and the final round and Pizza party on Thursday April 19th. Stop by the library for more info and to sign up.
Attention students The Day of Silence, sponsored by the GSA, will be April 27th. All are welcome to participate. If you are interested in purchasing a shirt for $11 to support this cause please see Mrs. DiLucente in the library by Thursday March 29th.
Attention All Students who Have locks on lockers in the the phys. ed. locker rooms: Please remove your locks and belongings off of the Phys. Ed. lockers before the break. Boys: Remove locks and belongings from the front part of the boys phys. ed. locker room. Girls: Remove locks and belongings from the center rows of lockers in the girls phys. ed. locker room. They will be cut off over the break. These are Non Overnight Lockers and are to be used for phys. ed. classes each day.
All students taking AP exams must fill out paperwork at the Pre-Administration session on Thursday April 12. Students free during the day can come to room 164. After school the session will be held in the auditorium. You must bring a sharpened pencil. See Mrs. Goff in room 164 with any questions.