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Wednesday June 6th, 2018

Today's cycle is

English Department (Seniors)

Attention seniors! If you had Mrs. Bastedo or Mrs. Farrell for English 9, please stop by room 351 or 353 respectively before the end of the school year to pick up your Freshman Letters!

30 Day Kindness Challenge (All Students)

My name is Mr. Wolf and I will be announcing today’s challenge. As we finish up our final day of instruction, remember to treat people the way you want to be treated- in class, in the hallways, out in the community, and on social media. (The prompter will PAUSE for you to add a personal thought or example) Now back to the QTV Crew.

Varsity Boys Volleyball (Sports)

Attention all Boys Volleyball players. There will be a meeting for all interested in playing boys volleyball on Weds June, 6th at 2pm in Mr. Albano's room 255. We will be discussing the upcoming year. If you are late, do not bother showing up!

Art Club (All Students)

If you had ceramics displayed in the media center from last semester, please stop by the ceramics room to pick it up

ACT Exam (All Students)

Attention all students taking the ACT exam on Saturday June 9. Plan on arriving at 7:30am to check in at the Baker Foyer. To be admitted you must have a printed copy of your ticket, student ID card, sharpened no. 2 wooden pencils and an approved calculator. Go to ACTstudent.org or Mrs. Goff in room 164 with any questions.

Varsity Golf Team (All Students)

Congratulations to both Aidan Shaw & Ben Spitz for their outstanding performances at the 2018 Boy's Golf State Championship this past weekend. Both boy's were recognized as All State All-Stars. Ben finished tied for 13th and Aidan finished tied for 5th out of 99 players at States. Aidan will advance this weekend to the NFHS Federation Championship held at the venerable Bethpage Black Golf Course, site of the 2019 PGA Championship. Congratulations and good luck!

June - 2018

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