Attention Seniors: An updated scholarship listing is available on the School Counseling section of the High School website. There are many opportunities for regional, national, and college-specific scholarships.
For any softball player interested in preparing for the upcoming season- Open Gym will begin Thursday, January 10th from 3:30-4:30pm at Windom Elementary.
For any softball player interested in preparing for the upcoming season- Open Gym will begin Thursday, January 10th from 3:30-4:30pm at Windom Elementary.
Attention all Model UN members: There will be a meeting after school today in Room 255 at 2:00. We will be doing a simulation today. New Members are welcome.
Attention all History Club Members. Please meet in room #127 at 2pm on Tuesday January 8th for Club Pictures. Our next meeting will be a work session on Wednesday January 9th at 2pm in room #127.
Attention Mock trial team members. Our club photos will be on Tuesday January 8th. Please meet in room #127 at 2pm. Also please check next week's meeting schedule posted on Mr. Janas's door in room #127. If you cannot make a scheduled meeting you need to let Mr. Janas know as soon as possible. We need full participation at all practices.
Congratulations to Bryce Harlung , Kelly Kubik , Maddie Knavel and Lauren Taips for being top shooters at O P H S rifle match last night.