RIT offers scholarships for deaf and hard-of-hearing students in the areas of film, animation, digital arts, and writing. If you are a ninth through twelfth grader who qualifies as deaf or hard-of-hearing, please see Mr. Behm or Mrs. Stahl in the House 1 office for more information.
The Orchard Park History Club will be hosting a discussion on the ever changing situation in Iran. The discussion will be held on Thursday January 30th at 2pm in room #127. Please see Mr. Janas with any questions. All are welcome to attend.
ATTENTION to anyone interested in trying out for VARSITY softball: There will be a informational preseason meeting on Wednesday,February 5 @ 3:15pm at Orchard Park High School in Room 214. This is for anyone trying out for Varsity Softball, only.
Attention Varsity Club- Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 4th at 2pm. Hope to see you there!
The local scholarship listing and the Universal scholarship application are now available on the high school website. The local scholarship listing includes information for scholarships sponsored by local organizations as well as memorial scholarships. From the main high school website, click "School Counseling" at the top of the page and then click "Scholarships". Most scholarships are due on April 2, 2020. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Behm or Mrs. Stahl in the Hou
Attention Juniors! Applications for the Internship Program are due this FRIDAY, January 31, by 2:30pm. Applications should be turned in to the House 1 Office. Questions? See Mrs. Casto in Room 119 or 126.
Attention Model UN members. We will have a meeting this Friday (January 31 at 2:pm). We will be discussing our UB Conference. See you there!
Are you interested in saving three peoples lives? Donate Life Club will be hosting a blood drive Thursday February 6th, day 2 in the Media Center classroom. You must be 17 years or older and have an appointment. Sign up in room 123 with Mrs. Patterson or Mrs. Birtch. Can't wait to see you there!
Homecoming dance tickets will be available to purchase in person TODAY, Thursday, January 30 from 1:50 - 2:30 in room 163. Tickets will continue to be on sale online through February 3rd. Tickets are $20. Please see Mrs. Rominger or Mr. Bove with questions.