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Wednesday October 6th, 2021

Today's cycle is 3

School Counselors (All Students)

There will be a recruiter from the Navy in the commons during all lunch periods on Wednesday, October 6th. You can talk to him during your lunch period if you are interested and you can see your counselor if you have any questions.

Educational Outreach (All Students)

Attention all students in Educational Outreach. Our next meeting is on Wednesday October 13 after school in Room 160. We’ll make ghost crafts for nursing homes & soup kitchens. ALL students are welcome! Students may join Outreach at any time. See Mrs. Collins (Rm 160) or Mrs. Holtermann (Rm 328) with questions.

STEM Club (All Students)

STEM Club will be visited by Nick Canaple from Moog today at 2:00 PM. He will be showing us some rockets from the TARC Competition and teaching us what we need to know to design and build a rocket to compete at this years competition. Please join us today in Room 161 at 2:00.

Wellness Club (All Students)

Attention all students! Wellness club will be meeting this Thursday October 7th at 2:00pm in the library! All are welcome! If you have any questions, please see Ms. Mohler in House 2 or Mr. Kron in House 3.

Wrestling (All Students)

There will be intramural wrestling every Wednesday for the next 6 weeks after school. All are welcome. Please see Coach Teal will any questions.

MasterMinds (All Students)

OP MasterMinds, Varsity and JV, will be meeting this Thursday at 2:00 pm in room 360. NEW members are welcome.

School Counseling Department (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - the Scott Krueger Memorial Scholarship application is now available in House 1. This is a $40,000 scholarship awarded to 2 Orchard Park high school seniors with a 90% or better high school average, that will complete 4 years of science and math and have participated in an OPSCD high school sport. The deadline is November 5th, 2021. No exemptions. See Mrs. Linder in House 3 with any questions.

Girls Basketball (All Students)

Attention all girls interested in playing JV or Varsity Basketball this season. There will be a mandatory meeting on Thursday October 7th at 2pm in room #127. We will go over the some information for practices and tryouts. Please see Coach Janas with any questions.

Ski & Board (All Students)

Are you a skier or a snow boarder? Or want to learn how to ski or board this winter? Please come to a meeting in the auditorium on Wednesday Oct 6 at 2pm to learn about the New Community Education Ski & Board Program.

Windom Buddy Club (All Students)

Attention Windom Buddy Club Applicants: There will be a mandatory training session after school Thursday, October 7th at 2:00 in the second floor computer lab in the media center. Please make every effort to attend. Also, be sure to have your application and permission form into House 1 prior to the meeting. See Mr. Behm with questions.

Math-Physics Society (All Students)

The next Math/Physics Society meeting will be on Thursday October 14th. We will meet in Room 230. We will be measuring the speed of sound!!!! What??? No way!!!! Yes way!!!!!

October - 2021

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