Due to the Olweus bell schedule on Thursday, June 2, the afternoon Ormsby, Potter and Harkness buses will leave OPHS at 12:00 p.m. All other BOCES buses will follow their regular schedule.
Seniors- Each year, we collect information from the seniors regarding the scholarships they have been offered from colleges and outside organizations. If you have received scholarships and would like them to be recognized at the senior banquet and graduation, you must check the Scholarships Google Classroom or your school email for the link to a Google form. This form must be completed by June 1st. If you have questions or concerns, please see Mr. Behm o
Attention all girls basketball players. The Orchard Park Lady Quakers Basketball Camp will be from July 11-July 14 at the High School from 5pm-8pm. Sign up forms are located in room #127. Please stop by and grab one from Coach Janas. Hope to see you all there!
Are YOU interested in getting involved in Student Government? If so, consider applying for a STAP Comm Extension Office! Pick up an Application outside of Room 163 or in House 2 All applications are due Friday, June 3 Questions? See Mrs. Rominger (163) or Mr. Bove (House 2)
Attention anyone interested in playing JV and Varsity Football for the Fall of 2022, there will be a mandatory informational meeting in room 264 on Monday, June 6th at 2:00 PM. Please see one of the coaches if you cannot attend this meeting.
Attention ALL Track & Field athletes. You must RSVP for the end of the year pizza party and turn in your slip to Coach Janas or Coach Bove by Wednesday June 1st. Please turn in your slip by that date so we can have an accurate headcount for the pizza party.
There will be an informational field hockey meeting for anyone trying out for Varsity or JV this fall. The meeting will be Thursday June 2nd at 2 pm in the weight room. See Coach Cal if you have any questions.
It is that time again to sign up for next year's QMB! Whether you play an instrument or want to spin in Color Guard - ALL are welcome. Please see Mr. Bean with questions or sign up in the QMB Classroom - Code ikfxdub. Registration closes Friday June 3rd.