OP Chess Club will have their first meeting on Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 13th at 2pm in ROOM 360. See Dr. Rominger if you have any questions.
Attention Senior homeroom reps, there is a meeting on Wednesday at 2 p.m. in room 324 to pick the music for the Homecoming dance. Please join us to make the final selections. See Mrs. Connors or Mrs. Rodemeyer with any questions.
Attention all girls interested in trying out for JV or Varsity Basketball. There will be a preseason clinic starting on September 17 at noon in the high school gym. Please sign up through the community education office or contact Coach Janas in room #127 for details.
The Boys Varsity Golf Team defeated Iroquois at Elma Meadows Golf Course Wednesday and remains undefeated with a record of 3-0. This extends the team's ECIC Divisional win streak to 11. Senior and Team Captain, Charlie Fischer shot one under par as the match medalist. Next Up: West Seneca at Orchard Park Country Club on Monday.
Attention Varsity Athletes: Varsity Club will be meeting Tuesday September 13th at 2 pm in the pool bleachers. All Varsity athletes are invited to attend. Please show up to learn what the club is all about. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Gibson.
The Orchard Park High School's school newspaper, *The Voice*, is looking for a Sports Editor AND staff writers. Come to the first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 15 after school in room 319! All are welcome. See or email Ms. Rodemeyer with your questions.
Attention Senior PowderPuff Players!! Our first practice will be Tues 9/13 @ 2PM, meet outside the Gym at the soccer fields. Practices will be held: Tues, 9/13 Wed, 9/14 (seniors @ turf) Fri, 9/16 Tues, 9/20 (seniors @ turf) Thurs, 9/22 (seniors @ turf) Let's Go SENIORS!
The Math and Physics Society is having an informational meeting on Thursday September 15th at 2:00 in Room 364. See Mr. Dena or Mr. Hylkema with any questions.
Attention all students who are interested in History and Discussion. The Orchard Park History Club will hold its first meeting on Monday September 19th at 2pm in room #127. All are welcome.
STEM Club is holding its first meeting of the year on Wednesday 9/13 at 2:00 PM in Room 161. We are looking for new members who like to build and launch rockets - we have to work fast because we have a competition on October 22nd. We hope you join us.
Drama Club will meet Monday in room 143 at 2:00 all are invited to attend. We will discuss upcoming play auditions. See Mrs. Szczepanik for questions.
This is a reminder about our new drop/add and level change policy. For half-credit courses, any drop/add/change must be made after the third day (9/8) but before the end of the sixth day of the first six-day cycle (9/13) at the start of the semester. For full-credit courses and level changes, any changes must be made after the third day of the first six-day cycle (9/8) but before the end of the second six-day cycle (9/21). Any course changes after these designa
The first poswder puff practice will be on Tuesday 9/13. Meet outside of the Gym and the coaches will be waiting for you.
Attention powder girls. all forms and fees are due by Monday 9/12 @ 2:30pm to Mr. Botticelli room 263
Any Senior that would like to help plan and run the pep rally please see Mr. Botticelli in room 263 ASAP.
The first yearbook meeting will be on Wednesday September 14th at 2 pm. Please come to Room 362 if you are interested in joining. See Mr. Baldauf or Mrs. Kuznik with any questions.
Calling ALL OP Students!! OP MasterMinds is looking for new players to compete on an Academic Team. If you like shows like "Jeopardy", then this is the team for you. Varsity and JV have open spots. Our first meeting is Thursday, SEPTEMBER 22nd at 2pm in ROOM 360. See Dr. Rominger if you have any questions.
Attention all students interested in Law and Debate. The Orchard Park Mock Trial team will hold its first meeting on Thursday September 22nd in room #127 at 2pm. We will go over what Mock Trial is and will go over information for the upcoming New York State Tournament. All are welcome. See Mr. Janas with any questions.