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Friday March 17th, 2023

Today's cycle is

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are YOU doing something AWESOME this summer? Let STAP Comm help you pay for it! Apply for the $250 Student Enrichment Scholarship Pick up an application in House 2 or outside of room 163. See Mrs. Rominger (163) or Mr. Bove (House 2) with questions.

Grammar Club (All Students)

Attention ALL students: Grammar Club will be meet WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 in room 319 after school. Bring friends and snacks and, of course, your most pressing grammar concerns.

Unified Basketball (All Students)

Unified basketball combines students with all abilities and is a great way to connect to the OPHS community. Sign ups are goin on now. See Mrs. Grossman in room if you are interested or have questions.

Freshman Class (Freshmen)

Attention all Freshman Homeroom reps- there is a mandatory meeting on Monday, March 20th at 2 pm in room 356. All must attend.

Freshman Class (All Students)

Donuts are back, baby! The Freshman Class will be hosting a Famous donuts fundraiser during Olweus on Wednesday, April 12th. Order forms will be in mailboxes soon. More information to follow.

March - 2023

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