ATTENTION Afternoon BOCES Students: Due to the special bell schedule today, September 6, the afternoon BOCES buses to Ormsby, Potter and Harkness will leave OPHS at 12:10 pm today.
Jr and Sr girls: homecoming flag football registration is open until 9/12. Go to parent protal to sign up. See Mr. Botticelli with questions
Seniors....if you want to be involved in planning and running the pep rally please see Mr. Botticelli ASAP
Attention all students interested in history and debate. The Orchard Park History Club will be hosting its first meeting on Monday September 11th at 2pm in room #127. Please see Mr. Janas with any questions.
Attention all students interested in Law and Debate. The Orchard Park Mock Trial Team will host its first meeting of the season on Thursday September 14th at 2pm in room #127. Please see Mr. Janas with any questions.