Book Club will be holding a Whodunit Mystery Event in the library after school on Thursday March 21. We will be playing a game with characters, clues and snacks. Please RSVP in the library or with the qr code on our flyers.
Attention Buddy Club members - This Wednesday, the 13th, we will be staying at the High School to swim. Please make every effort to attend this session. Be at the pool ready to swim at 3:00. See Mr. Behm if you can not attend.
Join Sign Language Club for our next meeting, Thursday March 14th at 2pm in room 215 as we learn a how to perform a song in ASL. Bring a friend, all are welcome. See Miss Adel with any questions.
Educational Outreach Club is meeting TODAY, March 13th at 2pm in room 328. If you are volunteering at all for our fundraiser this weekend, you must attend. See Miss Adel or Mrs. Holtermann with any questions.