Are You Doing Something Awesome This Summer? Let us help you pay for it… Apply for the $250.00 Student Enrichment Scholarship. Sponsored By STAP Comm. Pick up an application in House 3 or outside of room 163. Application Deadline is March 28th. See Mrs. Rominger with questions.
Attention all History Club Members and any Orchard Park Student. The History Club will hold a discussion on the New York State SAFE Gun Law and its implications with the 2nd Amendment on Thursday March 7 at 2pm in room #127. All students are welcome to join for a discussion and debate on this law. Bring your opinion and a friend as well. Hope to see you there!
Attention all students: Still need to order a yearbook? Now is your chance! Yearbooks can be ordered during all lunch periods all week. Sellers will be available on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the Cafeteria, and Tuesday and Thursday in the Commons. The cost is $52. Cash or checks, made payable to Orchard Park Yearbook, are acceptable. Any questions? See Mrs. Sall in Room 363 after school.
Come to Spring College Night on Wednesday, 3/13. If you are a junior or underclassmen interested in learning about the college process, this event is for you. Representatives from Buffalo State, Canisius, ECC, Hilbert, Niagara, and the University of Rochester will be present.
Attention Freshman Homeroom Reps-Any representative that WAS NOT at the meeting on Tuesday March 5th must see Mr. Brach in room 356 before Friday March 8th.