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Friday March 15th, 2013

Today's cycle is

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! If you are a resident of West Seneca the West Seneca Civic & Patiotic Commission is awarding two scholarships for Orchard Park seniors. Further information can be found in House 3. Deadline is May 15th 2013

NHS (Seniors)

Attention current members of the National Honor Society. We still need help at the musical on both Friday and Saturday. Service is part of membership! Please sign up on the list near Mrs Sullivan\'s office. You will receive 3 hours of service credit for helping.... and get to see the show

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - Many of the local scholarship deadlines are approaching. Additional copies of the Universal application and other scholarships are available in House 3. If you did not receive material in the mail, please see Mrs. Linder in House 3.

CEIP (Juniors)

The deadline for applications to the Career Exploration Internship Program has been extended until this Friday, March 15. Applications should be turned in to House 1 by 2:15 PM on Friday. Applications and teacher recommendation forms are available in the House 1 Office. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Casto or Mrs. Birtch in Room 126.

SADD (All Students)

The next meeting of the SADD club will take place on Wednesday March 20th at 2:00 PM in room 162. Plans for the Middle school visit will be discussed. Please remember to turn in your permission slips.

STAP-Comm (All Students)

At Monday night\'s STAP Comm meeting there was a review of the Hospice Flower Sale and the successful Winter Dance. Also the discussion of Caps For a Cure taking place on March 21st. STAP Comm invites anybody who has interest to attend monthly meetings.

Class of 2015 (Sophomores)

Attention all sophomores: IF you want to purchase a class tee-shirt please see a homeroom rep or an officer. Questions see mr. Botticelli

March - 2013

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