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Tuesday March 4th, 2014

Today's cycle is

Musical (All Students)

Attention all students. Ticket sales for this year's musical Les Miserable begin today during all lunch periods in the Baker Foyer. Ticket prices for Orchestra seats is $12 and Balcony seats are $10. Good seats are still available. Please come and see your classmates in this epic performance.

French Honor Society (All Students)

Today is Mardi Gras! This holiday takes place the day before Ash Wedesday, which marks the beginning of Lent. Mardis Gras is still celebrated in France and is a legal holiday in many parts of the South, particularly New Orleans. Many people mistake Mardis Gras for Carnivale, when it is actually different. I hope that you enjoy your Mardis Gras today, Bonne Fête!

Yearbook (All Students)

Attention All Students: In-School Yearbook Sales have been postponed until the week of March 17th. You will be able to pre-order your yearbook during all lunch periods starting Monday, March 17th through Friday, March 21st. The cost is now $52. See Mrs. Sall (Room 363) or Mrs. Stady (Room 162) with any questions.

Indoor Track (All Students)

Attention students who participated in Indoor Track. Please bring Mr Lardo or Mr Tundo your uniform before Wednesday the 5th to avoid a detention.

Art Dept (All Students)

Ms. Perla's first semester Fine Art Photography and Interior Design classes should pick up their final projects. Projects will be discarded by March 12th.

intramurals (All Students)

A new month means, new intramural activites. Basketball and volleyball will be offered on Tues. and Thurs. after-school. March 13th there will be a 3v3 BB tournament. Make a team and sign-up for the tourney next week.

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are You Doing Something Awesome This Summer? Let STAP Comm help you pay for it with the $250.00 Student Enrichment Scholarship. Pick up an application in House 3 or room 163. See Mrs. Rominger (room 163)with questions.

Class of 2017 (Freshmen)

Attention all freshman homeroom reps-There will be a very important meeting TODAY @ 2:00 in room 356.

GSA SUpport Group (All Students)

There will be a Gay Straight Alliance Support Group meeting Wednesday March 5th at 2:00 in room 315. All are welcome.

Sophomore Class (All Students)

Attention ALL STUDENTS! The sophomore class is sponsoring a clothing drive to help support the City Mission. If you have unused or gently used clothing and apparel, please consider donating it! Starting this week, you may drop your items off in rooms 256 or 316. Start cleaning out those closets early for a good cause! For more information, please see any sophomore class officer or adviser. Thanks.

NHS (Seniors)

Attention National Honor Society Members We are in need of members to VOLUNTEER to serve as ushers at the musical on March 13,14,15 and 16. Please sign up on the list outside Mrs Sullivan's door in House 2. Time for more volunteer service and a chance to see and support your classmates in the musical.

Guidance (All Students)

The University of Alabama will be hosting an informational session student reception on Tuesday, March 11th at 7:00pm at the Embassy Suites, Buffalo. For more information please contact Ryan Astor at ryan.astor@ua.edu. Please RSVP at www.gobama.ua.edu/buffalo-reception.

NHS (Seniors)

There will be an NHS meeting on Wednesday, March 12 at 2:00 in Media 2.

March - 2014

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