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Thursday March 20th, 2014

Today's cycle is

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are You Doing Something Awesome This Summer? Let STAP Comm help you pay for it with the $250.00 Student Enrichment Scholarship. Pick up an application in House 3 or room 163. See Mrs. Rominger (room 163)with questions.

guidance (Juniors)

For juniors interested in attending the April 9th fieldtrip to the Buffalo National College Fair. Permission slips are due to the House 2 office by March 26th. Bring them in early!

French Honor Society (All Students)

Please see Mr. Kennedy's Lotus notes for a Powerpoint announcement

Yearbook (All Students)

Attention All Students: Yearbooks will be available for pre-order during all lunch periods next week. The cost is $52 in either cash or check, made out to Orchard Park Yearbook. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sall in Room 363 or Mrs. Stady in Room 162. Not sure if you ordered a yearbook yet? Check the list outside room 363.

French Trip (All Students)

This reminder is for all students who will be travelling to France this summer on the OPHS trip. There will be a mandatory parent-student meeting on Monday, March 24th in the Commons at 6:30 pm. See Mrs. Robinson in 330 with any questions or concerns.

Outreach (All Students)

There will be an outreach meeting today after school. See Mr.Hafner in room 362 with any questions.

March - 2014

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