The Spanish National Honor Society is collecting dontations for Tabby Town. If you are interested in donating we are collecting a one dollar minimum donation. Members have paper cats for you to write your name on with your donation. You can dontate to a member or to Mrs. Z in Room 322. All money is due by January 21st. All money goes to help with the cost to care for the cats at Tabby Town. Thank you.
Attention International Club! We will be watching La misma luna on Tuesday, January 20th in room 329 from 2:00-4:00. Please join us.
This past weekend the OPHS Cheerleaders competed at ECICs. Both JV and Varsity won first place in their divisions. Congratulations to the girls for their win!
Attention Buddy Club members... There will be Buddy Club this Wednesday, the 21st. The bus will be on the Freeman side at 3:00. Please see Mr. Behm if you can not attend.