All OPHS Students: Only one student responded for the CPR Course on 3/7. The Orchard Fire Company is required to have at least 6 students in order to run the CPR class, so they had to cancel the class on 3/7. You are welcome to attend any of the other course dates that fit into your schedule. The other dates are 3/14, 4/4, & 4/19. All courses are on a Saturday & run from 08:30-12:30. If you will be attending, please fill out the attached registration f
Spanish National Honor Society Members we will be meeting March 25th in the library classroom at 2:00. We are making cheese quesadillas, please bring a dessert to share!
Attention Buddy Club members: This week we will be staying at the high school to swim with the kids from Windom. Please be at the pool at 3:00 on Wednesday. See Mr. Behm with questions.
Attention all members of GSA who are planning to go to the conference on Wednesday-- you need to see Mrs. Farrell as soon as possible to get a permission slip or else you won't be able to attend.
Attention Book Club members - there will be a meeting this Thursday after school in the library. We will be planning our trip and finishing our bulletin board. See you then!
attention varsity and JV field hockey players. Please see Coach Callahan for some spring tournament information. Thanks.
A reminder to all students parked in the lower Baker lot. Please clear out your cars ASAP after school today. Thank you very much!