Environment is one of our most important concerns. Everyone is asked to do their part. If you are interested in learning about the environment and ways that you can help, the Department of Environmental Conservation Summer Camp may be for you! Scholarships for this camp are offered. Please stop down to the House 1 office to get an application. Applications are due on December 9th.
International club is sponsoring a hibachi lunch at Dao restaurant on Thursday, December 8th. Don't miss out on this exciting event! See Mrs. Montesano in room 329 for permission slips and menus.
The boys Varsity Fed Hockey team tied Canisius by a score of 2-2. Goals were scored by Zach Biasillo and Eric Lyon. Tom Held played amazing with 40 saves in the game.
Attention All Educational Outreach Members: We have a very important meeting this Thursday, December 1st in room 328 for any student participating in The Polar Plunge this weekend and/or Santa Land next weekend. Please see Mrs. Holtermann if you are unable to attend.
Attention all Mock Trial Members. Our next meeting is this Wednesday November 30th at 5pm in room #127. See you there!
Attention all History Club Members. Our next meeting is this Wednesday November 30th at 2pm in room #127. See you there!
A college rep from the University at Buffalo will be meeting with students today at 12:30pm in the House 2 conference room.
Attention DARE Role Models. Don't forget there is a meeting after school, TODAY, Monday November 28th in the LMC with Officer Mazur. Sign up sheets for presenting at the elementary schools will be available at that time. Please see Mrs. Wolf in the House 2 office if you have any questions.
Blue Ribbon Week Celebration, join the celebration by dressing Comfy Monday, Ware Denim Tuesday, show your Buffalove Wednesday, Thursday All Blue Day, Friday is Maroon and White Day.
Attention all students! Our annual Fall College Night will take place on Decemeber 1st at 6:30pm. Local college representives and School Counselors will present workshops for all grade levels on the college admissions. Information will also be posted in homerooms and our website. Hope to see you there!
Attention Varsity Club: Our next meeting is Tuesday November 29th at 2p.m. See you there.
Attention Buddy Club members: Our next meeting is on Wednesday, November 30th. The bus will be at the Gym doors at 3:00. Please remember that we are tie-dying T-shirts, so wear something that can get messy!
Environment is one of our most important concerns. Everyone is asked to do their part. If you are interested in learning about the environment and ways that you can help, the Department of Environmental Conservation Summer Camp may be for you! Scholarships for this camp are offered. Please stop down to the House 1 office to get an application. Applications are due on December 9th.
Attention Seniors who won a "Senior Most" for the Yearbook. This is a reminder that pictures will be taken on Wednesday, November 30th at 2pm in Room 162. Any questions? See Mrs. Sall or Mrs. Stady.