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Monday December 12th, 2016

Today's cycle is

glax (Sports)

Attention Girls Lacrosse. Anyone interested in playing lacrosse at Sahlens in January, see coach Cal for further info. First come, first serve. Thanks.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention Mock Trial members our next two meetings will be Monday December 12 from 5pm-8pm and Thursday December 15th from 2pm-3:15pm.

Student Activities (All Students)

Attention Student Drivers: The last day to apply for a new parking permit will be Friday, December 16th. All new applications turned in after the 16th will be held to at least the beginning of the second semester. If you have any questions see Mr. Biondo

Wrestling (All Students)

The wrestling team had a great showing at this weekend’s tournament. Matt Wagner and Tony Field were champions on JV side of things while in the varsity tournament Will Gura, Blake Harlock, and Solomon Brown took 3rd, Rocco Giannicchi took 2nd, and Bret Morseon took first place as the Quakers placed 3rd overall as a team. Well done gentlemen!

buddy club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club members... There will be Buddy Club this Wednesday, the 14th. We will be making gingerbread houses. If possible, please come with a box of graham crackers. The bus will be on the Freeman side at 3:00. Please see Mr. Behm if you can not attend.

December - 2016

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