Hide Calendar

Tuesday January 3rd, 2017

Today's cycle is

Buddy Club (All Students)

Attention Windom Buddy Club Members: Our next meeting is Wednesday, the 4th. The bus will be at the Freeman doors at 3:00. Please see Mr. Behm if you can not attend.

Guidance (All Students)

Alfred University is hosting the Annual Scholastic Recognition Event for Women in Engineering on Thursday, February 23, 2017. This day includes presentations by leaders in the field, hands-on laboratory activities, a design competition, meals, and a guided campus tour. If you are interested in science or the engineering field and would like to attend, please see Mr. Behm or Mrs. Stahl in the House 1 Office by Wednesday, January 11, 2017.

science club (All Students)

Attention all students. You are invited to the science club New Years party. After school Wednesday January 4th in Room 160. Ring in the new year with some science activities and snacks. New and old members are welcome. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 with any questions. It would be nice if you could bring a snack to share, but it is not required.

January - 2017

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