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Monday January 30th, 2017

Today's cycle is

Freshman Class (Freshmen)

Attention all freshman homeroom reps....there will be a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, January 31st at 2pm in Room 356. All must attend.

Guidance (All Students)

The Erie County Medical Center is now accepting applications for it's competitive Summer Youth Program. This is a wonderful opportunity to gain experience in the medical field. Applicants must have over an 80% GPA, complete an application, have a physical, and submit a recommendation form from the school counselor and a math or science teacher. Applications are due Friday, March 17, 2017. Please see Mrs. Stahl in House 1 for an application.

Athletics (All Students)

There will be a pre-season Varsity Softball meeting on Thursday, February 9th at 2:15pm in Room 214. Anyone interested in trying out should attend.

art club (All Students)

Students who took Ceramics or Sculpture classes should pick up artwork in room 152 this week.

Internship Program (Juniors)

Attention Juniors: The OPHS Internship Program is now accepting applications for students who wish to complete an internship during the Fall semester of their Senior year. Information was distributed in English classes; if you missed the presentation or need more information, please see Mrs. Casto in Room 119 or 126. Applications and teacher recommendation forms are available in House 1. Applications are due on Friday, February 3 by 2:30 PM and must be turned in to House 1.

buddy club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club members... There will be Buddy Club this Wednesday, February 1st. The bus will be on the Freeman side by 3:00. Please see Mr. Behm if you can not attend.

Technology (All Students)

The Technology Club meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 31, 2017, has been cancelled. See Mr. Kennedy if you have any questions.

Wrestling (All Students)

The wrestling team captured 2nd place out of a field of 19 teams at this weekend's KenTon Tournament. 9 of Orchard Park's 13 wrestlers placed in the top 4 of their weight classes highlighted by senior Will Gura who was tournament champion at 152 lbs. In the JV tournament, there were solid performances all around especially from underclassmen Richie Keenen and Breck O'Connor. The team's final dual meet is tomorrow as they square off with league rival Jamestown. Well done wrestlers!

January - 2017

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