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Thursday June 1st, 2017

Today's cycle is

English Department (Seniors)

Attention seniors! If you had Mrs. Bastedo for English 9, please stop by room 351 before Wednesday June 7 to pick up your Freshman letter!


Any boys interested in playing JV or Varsity volleyball in the fall must attend a brief meeting after school on Tuesday, June 6th at 2pm. The meeting will be in Mr. Albano's room, room 255 at 2pm sharp! DO NOT BE LATE!

SADD (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! Leave your LOCK and Leave your LEGACY as you prepare to leave your High School years behind. The OPHS Student Wellness Club is collecting usable locks with combinations. Please consider donating your lock by securely attaching the combination on a piece of paper to the lock and giving it to your homeroom teacher or bringing it to House 2. On behalf of Student Wellness we congratulate you on your accomplishments and wish you a safe and healthy future as you pur

Ice Hockey (All Students)

Boys ice hockey skate at leisure rinks start this Sunday June 4th at 7am. Be dressed and ready to go. Any questions please see coach Dannecker or Coach Ferrentino.

QTV (All Students)

This is a reminder to all Students: Please take some time to take the character education survey that is on their school e-mail account. This is an important part of the OLWEUS program this year.

Guidance (Seniors)

Seniors-please submit your college scholarship notifications to the House 1 office by Thursday, June 1st. Late submissions will not be included in the Senior Banquet program. If you have questions, please see Mr. Behm or Mrs. Stahl in House 1.

Student (Juniors)

This is a reminder to Juniors who drive to school because they are playing a varsity sport. Once your season ends, you may no longer drive to school until final exams begin. Students who continue to drive once their season ends will lose parking for the first quarter of their senior year.

Chromebooks (All Students)

Attention Students! Your chromebook will be collected in your homeroom on Tuesday June 6th. Remember to bring your chromebook and charger to homeroom on June 6.

JV Football (Sports)

Attention all athletes interested in trying out for the JV football team. There will be a mandatory meeting on Thursday, June 1st in room 225. We will be discussing summer workout information and expectations.

Girls Swimming and Diving (Sports)

There will be a girls varsity swimming and Diving meeting next Monday June 5 at 2 p.m. in the pool. Any girls interested in swimming or diving next year need to attend to get the information they need to start the season in August! See you there.

Senior Class (Seniors)

Senior Banquet tickets are on sale today. They will also be sold next week on Monday and Tuesday, June 5th and 6th. Tickets will be sold in the Aud Foyer from 2:00- 3:00 Tickets are $20 for the first 3 tickets and $30 for each additional ticket. Bring cash or a check made payable to OPHS- Class of 2107. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR TICKET ORDER FORM IN ORDER TO PURCHASE TICKETS.

Student Activites (Juniors)

Attention Juniors:Open Campus enrollment has begun and ends Friday June 2nd. Applications can be found on line in the Students & Parking drop down menu. If you have questions see Mr. Biondo

FNHS (All Students)

Attention all French National Honor Society Members: We have our Senior Farewell Crepe Fest today after school in room 163. Please see Mrs. Holtermann in room 328 with any questions or concerns.

June - 2017

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