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Saturday June 3rd, 2017

Today's cycle is

English Department (Seniors)

Attention seniors! If you had Mrs. Bastedo for English 9, please stop by room 351 before Wednesday June 7 to pick up your Freshman letter!

Girls Swimming and Diving (Sports)

There will be a girls varsity swimming and Diving meeting next Monday June 5 at 2 p.m. in the pool. Any girls interested in swimming or diving next year need to attend to get the information they need to start the season in August! See you there.

Chromebooks (All Students)

Attention Students! Your chromebook will be collected in your homeroom on Tuesday June 6th. Remember to bring your chromebook and charger to homeroom on June 6.

QTV (All Students)

This is a reminder to all Students: Please take some time to take the character education survey that is on their school e-mail account. This is an important part of the OLWEUS program this year.

SADD (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! Leave your LOCK and Leave your LEGACY as you prepare to leave your High School years behind. The OPHS Student Wellness Club is collecting usable locks with combinations. Please consider donating your lock by securely attaching the combination on a piece of paper to the lock and giving it to your homeroom teacher or bringing it to House 2. On behalf of Student Wellness we congratulate you on your accomplishments and wish you a safe and healthy future as you pur


Any boys interested in playing JV or Varsity volleyball in the fall must attend a brief meeting after school on Tuesday, June 6th at 2pm. The meeting will be in Mr. Albano's room, room 255 at 2pm sharp! DO NOT BE LATE!

Varsity Golf (All Students)

There will be a short meeting for anyone interested in joining the 2017 Varsity Boy's Golf Team on Tuesday, June 6th immediately after school. The meeting will be held in Coach Leary's room, 143 in Music Wing.

June - 2017

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