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Sunday November 4th, 2018

Today's cycle is

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - Applications for the Scott Krueger Memorial are now available in the House 1 office. This is a 40,000 dollar scholarship awarded to two Orchard Park Seniors that meet the requirements. Deadline is Wednesday, November 14th by 3:00 to Mrs. Linder in House 3.

science club (All Students)

Attention all students interested in science. The next science club meeting will be on Wednesday, November 7 after school in Room 160. We will make and launch straw rockets. All students are welcome. New members welcome anytime. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 with questions.

International club (All Students)

Attention all students: International club will be going to Dao on Wednesday, November 7th at 3 pm. Please join us and bring a friend. See Mrs. Montesano in room 329 for more information.

Spanish Honor Society (All Students)

Attention all Spanish Honor Society Members-Reminder our next meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 7th. Our Day of the Dead celebration will be held in LL4, across from House 3.

Student Wellness (All Students)

Attention Student Wellness and Role Model members. Officer Kristen Mazur will be meeting with any students interested in being a DARE ROLE MODEL. The meeting will take place on WEDNESDAY November 7th at 2:00 PM in the LMC Classroom. Sign up sheets will be available at the meeting. Please see Mrs. Wolf in House 2 if you have any questions.

School Counselors (Sophomores)

Attention Sophomores - Are you interested in a Career and Technical Education field like Auto Body, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Health Careers, Animal Sciences, or Culinary? The Ormsby Educational Center offers these courses and many more. They are coming to speak at the OPHS Commons on Thursday, November 15th at 8:05AM (Get a pass in HR). There will also be a Field Trip to the Ormsby Center on Wednesday, December 5th; your counselors will be handing out p

November - 2018

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