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Friday November 16th, 2018

Today's cycle is

School Counselors (Juniors)

The Coolidge Scholarship is full-ride, four-year scholarship available to current high school juniors. It can be used to cover the cost of attendance at any college or university in the United States. Qualified applicants must have a high grade point average and an interest in public policy and service. To apply, visit www.coolidgescholars.org. The deadline is 5 pm on January 23, 2019.

Outreach (All Students)

On Sat and Sunday December 8 and 9, the OP Rec Dept runs "Santa Land" at Chestnut Ridge Park. And they want high school volunteers to help with crafts and outdoor activities like roasting marshmallows and caroling. It is a super fun way to get some volunteer hours. Get a friend to volunteer with you. Sign up slips will be distributed in homerooms and can be found outside of Room 160 and Room 328. You can also signup online on the Outreach classroom. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 or Mrs

science club (All Students)

All students & staff are invited to attend the next talk in the Science Club Speaker Series. On Thursday November 29 after school in Room 361, Mr. Paul Chopra, an Environmental and Industrial Product Chemist will speak about the chemistry of candy making. Questions are welcome! That’s Thursday, November 29th from 2-2:45 pm in Room 361. See Mrs. Collins (in Rm 160) with questions.

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors-please note that you DO NOT have open campus, and must continue to attend your study hall, until you receive a schedule in homeroom showing that open campus has been added to your schedule.

OP Enterprises (All Students)

OP Enterprises will be sponsoring a phone wallet sale from Thursday November 15th through Friday November 30th in both the cafeteria and commons during all lunch periods. Purchase your limited time OP phone wallet before we run out! Only $5. Any questions can be directed to David Cappello in HR 350 or to Mrs. Hofschneider in room 213.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club members. We will have our next meeting on Monday November 26th at 2pm in room #127. We will enjoy a Thanksgiving feast while discussing the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI. Please stop in and join our discussion.

Student wellness (All Students)

Attention all Students. Anyone interested in signing up to be a DARE ROLE model, Please see Mrs. Wolf in the House 2 Office. There are still openings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to speak to the students at Eggert and Ellicott Elementary Schools. Last day to sign up is this Friday November 16th.

glax (Sports)

This announcement is for any girls planning on playing lacrosse in the sahlens league. Your $60 is due to Coach Cal by friday of this week. Thanks.

Senior Class (Seniors)

Attention all Seniors! It’s time to begin thinking about Graduation. Whether you plan on graduating in January or June, you MUST be measured for your Cap and Gown. No exceptions! TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to bring in your CAP AND GOWN ORDER FORM and PAYMENT for the Herff Jones representative who will be in the Baker Foyer until 1:00 p.m.

House 2 (All Students)

Is anyone interested in winning a $50 prize? If so, help us by designing next years Curriculum Handbook cover! Entries will be accepted until November 16. Please stop by House 2 to see Mr. Hafner with any questions.

School Counselors (Sophomores)

Sophomore's interested in the Ormsby Educational Center Field Trip. TODAY is the deadline for the Wednesday, December 5th trip to tour the facility and learn more about the programs offered. Please return completed permission slips to the House 2 office.

op phys ed (All Students)

Attention all students: Fitness gram Make-ups will be held Monday November 19th, and Tuesday November 20th. That's the Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Show up either day, and take the part you missed. Any questions, see your Physical Education teacher.

November - 2018

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