The PULSE Book Drive needs you! Please bring in your new and gently used books to help us give the gift of reading to those in need. Collection boxes are in most English classrooms. See Ms. Perillo in Room 313 with questions.
Attention Seniors who applied for the Seal of Biliteracy, there is an informational meeting in room 325 today at 2 p.m. Please see Mrs. Connors or Mrs. Cartwright with any questions.
Attention all History Club members. Our next meeting will be this Wednesday December 5th at 2pm in room #127. We will be discussing the impact of Pearl Harbor on America.
All students are invited to join Educational Outreach this Thursday (December 6) after school in Room 160 to make holiday crafts for the salvation army. New members always welcome. See Mrs. Collins in room 160 with questions.
Attention all students: International club will be sponsoring a dream catcher work shop on thursday december 13th from 2:00 to 4:00 in room 329. Learn how to make this beautiful craft. Great foe gift giving! See Mrs. Montesano for more information.
What are you doing tonight Orchard Park? If your answer is 'I dont know' or 'nothing' then you need to come out to the OP gym and watch the wrestlers duke it out with rival Hamburg. Match starts at 6:30pm and is sure to be entertaining. Grab a friend or two and we'll see you there!
Attention all History Club Members. Because of a conflict todays meeting will be postponed until next wednesday December 12th at 2pm in room #127.